Wednesday, March 7, 2012

4/5 months

I have been neglecting this.. as usual. The boys are growing like weeds and I dont seem to have as much time as I would like to do things such as this.

Both boys were very healthy at their 4 month appointment and have been meeting all their milestones. Both of them can roll both ways now (Although Butter is much more frequent about it, he is just ready to go!). Butter is sitting up unassisted and they are both eating cereal and have tried green beans and squash.
Yummy Yummy!
Doodle turned 3 on January 20th. He was sick the day of his birthday party so we had to reshecule it for the following day. He had tons of fun. He constantly amazes me with what he can say and what he can understand. He will be starting preschool before we know it and has been playing in a 3 year old soccer league. He loves his brothers and is very protective of them.

Finally, this video is from just before they were 4 months old. I think its pretty cute!

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