Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1 year gone

I have been slacking. I know. It is busy around our house ok.

Hmmm. What has happened in the last, um 3 months. A lot! All 3 of our boys have been growing like weeds and the twins personalities  have really started to come out. Sunday (September 30th) and Monday (October 1st) were their birthdays. We celebrated in style (Dr. Seuss style) on Saturday. It was a blast.

Getting ready for our first taste of cake!

On Monday we did their 1 year appointment and they are doing great. Peanut is 30 pounds and 31 inches tall. He is pulling up on everything, crawling all over the place, and walks with assistance. Butter is 24lbs 15oz and 29 inches tall. He is WALKING and has been for the last 3 weeks.
As you can see they are quite the handful now that they are both moving so well. We had a very fun summer and have been enjoying watching them grow. They are very funny and very different, but they both love their big brother. You can tell Butter just wants to do everything that they do. Nothing melts my heart more than watching them interact.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Movin' and Groovin'

The twins turned 9 months a few weeks ago and boy oh boy do they have a lot going on. Butter is quite the little mover. He now can crawl faster than anything I have ever seen, pulls himself up on anything and everything, "cruises" around and between furniture, climbs the stairs like a champ (all the while laughing and giggling), and walks while pushing a toy or holding your hands. He is everywhere and into everything!

Crawling up Momma's leg

Peanut is not so advanced. He is still struggling to learn to crawl, but can roll like a champ and to anything he wants. In the last few weeks he has started doing a strange rolly army crawl type thing when he really wants to reach something. Anything else he will just roll too.

The boys are working on eating table food, something that Peanut is much better at than Butter! Mostly anything chunky or to textured Butter will spit right out. Peanut is a little piggy and shoves it all in his mouth. He has 2 teeth (working on more!) and Butter still has none (although I am pretty sure we are working on one!). Peanut has really caught up size wise and now weighs more than Butter. I am looking forward to their 9 month appointment tomorrow to see the difference in their weight, their differences in every other way are so apparent!


We had quite the bout with illness at our house a few weeks ago. Peanut and Butter both got Hand, Foot, and Mouth from daycare and Doodle had some unknown virus. No sooner were the twins back at Daycare than they got sent home one after another with Strep. The doctor said it was a secondary illness related to the Hand, Foot, and Mouth. 2 weeks and a couple days later and everyone was back on track just in time for a 4th of July trip to Grandpa's cabin.
River Rats!

 Fishing with Grandpa Doug

First Fish

We had a ton of fun! Doodle got to ride a jet ski for the first time ever with his Grandpa. We swam and ate too much food and boated. At the end of the trip we stopped at Arlene's family sand pit and walked to the river. The kids had tons of fun splashing and eating river mud (yuck!). Doodle also got to fish and caught his first fish (and several more)!

Doodle also had another first. He went to the Dentist. He was a total rock star and sat by himself, did exactly what he was told, and had no cavities. He has been pretty proud of his clean teeth and the ball he got to choose from the treasure box.

Teeth Cleaning


Thursday, June 14, 2012

8 months

Things around our house have been crazy! We moved into our new home on June 2nd and have had a few weeks of chaos at work and home. During all of this the twins turned 8 months old and are doing so much! On May 13th Butter started crawling. He is into everything! Since we have moved he is now pulling up on everything and can even climb the stairs!

He is so funny. In the last few days we have had him start standing with a push toy and he can go a few steps before he drops to his knees. We are so happy to have so much more space for them both to crawl and explore.

Peanut is still not crawling, but is "swimming". He is really laid back and doesn't really worry to much about getting around. He will roll to where he wants to go. He now has 2 teeth (Butter still has none). Peanut is not such a Peanut anymore weighing in over 23lbs. I am looking forward to their 9 month appointment.

Doodle is finally potty trained! HUGE accomplishment. It was like one day it just clicked and we have only had 2 accidents since. It almost hurts to see how much of a big boy he is becoming. He is really no longer a baby, but a little boy. We take him in July for his first dentist appointment.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7 months old!

Ugh! I hate it when I type out a whole post and then something happens and it disappears!

Anyway, we are celebrating another month down. The twins are now 7 months old. Hard to believe that could be the case. We discovered a few weeks ago that Peanut now has a tooth. Such a big boy. We actually thought Butter would be getting one first the way he has been drooling and chewing on everything. It is nice though, it seems like Butter is hitting all of the other developmental milestones first and this gives Peanut a chance to catch up.

Solids have been going good. For the most part. Butter seems to be a bit of a vegetarian. He did not care at all for poultry, however beef is going a bit better. Peanut on the other hand LOVES to eat solid foods and chows down. Check out the movie:

The other big news in our house is that we are moving! Yippie. Obviously in October our family grew a bit and it is time for us to get some more space for our every growing active boys. Butter has been up on all 4's rocking back and forth the last few weeks and Peanut rolls all over the place. I am looking forward to also having Doodle's room back on the same level as us.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

6 months

It is hard to believe 6 months have already gone by in the twins' lives. They have gotten so big in the blink of an eye. Their 6 month appointment showed that they are growing very, very well. Butter is 20lbs 7oz and was 27 3/4 inches long. Peanut was right up there with him at 20lbs and a whopping 29 inches tall! We have always thought Butter was such a chunk, but turns out he doesn't weigh all that much more than Peanut, he is just stockier.

We continue to push on with solids and have made it through most fruits and veggies. This week we have tried chicken and turkey. We are also making their food a little chunkier. The meat has not been a bit hit at all and it is so funny to watch their faces when they try something new.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

4/5 months

I have been neglecting this.. as usual. The boys are growing like weeds and I dont seem to have as much time as I would like to do things such as this.

Both boys were very healthy at their 4 month appointment and have been meeting all their milestones. Both of them can roll both ways now (Although Butter is much more frequent about it, he is just ready to go!). Butter is sitting up unassisted and they are both eating cereal and have tried green beans and squash.
Yummy Yummy!
Doodle turned 3 on January 20th. He was sick the day of his birthday party so we had to reshecule it for the following day. He had tons of fun. He constantly amazes me with what he can say and what he can understand. He will be starting preschool before we know it and has been playing in a 3 year old soccer league. He loves his brothers and is very protective of them.

Finally, this video is from just before they were 4 months old. I think its pretty cute!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rolling over!

I am super excited to say that Peanut for sure, for real rolled over yesterday. Butter has been doing it since a week or so after coming home from the hospital, but Peanut had not. He did roll over on our bed Monday, but I thought it was a fluke... Maybe not! I will try to get video up soon. My big boys..

Monday, January 9, 2012

3 months old

Another month has come and gone. We had a ton of fun enjoying the boys' first Christmas together. They are all 3 growing like weeds.

Doodle really enjoyed having fun with our Elf on a Shelf "Moo-Moo" and is very sad that he has gone back to the North Pole now that Christmas is over. Doodle also had his first ever Christmas program and he did a very good job of sitting still, singing, and doing his actions.

Peanut and Buttter continue to get bigger and bigger. Peanut has a herniated belly button that is now about the size of a large grape. The doctor says it will go away by the time he is 1 year, otherwise we will have to have a surgery. Butter is a chunky little guy and is very jolly. This month they have both really started smiling, laughing, and cooing to us. Peanut loves to have conversations and Butter is full of smiles.