Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 1/2 weeks

Today we went in for our 10 1/2 week appointment. The babies look great. Measuring right on schedule. We found out that we will be going in every 2 weeks and will have ultrasounds at least monthly. I am pretty excited about that! We also found out that at 32 weeks we will have to go to the hospital 2 times weekly for stress tests. All of this is normal protocol for those expecting twins at our doctor's office.

We got some AMAZING pictures like this one:

It shows both of the little sweeties in there together. I think my doctor was pretty proud of the shot, she had shown several of the office staff before I even made it out of the Ultra Sound room. 

This is sweet little Peanut. His or Her heartbeat was 170 today. 

This is sweet little Butter. His or her heartbeat was 154 today. He or she was very active and was waving and kicking all over the place.

Doodle is still learning about his siblings. We ask him where mommies babies are and he will rub my belly or, as pictured below, he will pull up his own shirt, rub his belly, and exclaim "Keith's babies". Its all too adorable. In the picture below we were trying to get him to give the babies a kiss, instead we got this. ADORABLE.

I am currently still waiting to hear from my doctor in Omaha. I am hoping to be released from their care today and taken of the dreaded Progesterone in Oil shots. Fingers Crossed!

Monday, March 7, 2011

8 weeks and going strong

Today was my 8 week appointment. It went well. The babies are doing great. Peanut (Baby A) has a heartbeat of 160 and Butter (Baby B) has a heartbeat of 169. They are both measuring up to date and looking good. Its somewhat hard to see Butter. He/She is always hiding.

My morning sickness has not been bad. I have good days and bad days, but if my memory serves me right, I am not near as sick as I was with Doodle. This has worried me a bit so I am very happy that I have ultra sounds every 2 weeks to fill me in on how the babies are doing.

Sounds like I will have to stay on my shots for at least another 2 weeks. Ugh. I was hoping to be off them today. They did finally give me an official due date of October 17th, however Dr. Johnson said they do induce or perform a c-section if you make it to 38 weeks so I am expecting them at least 2 weeks earlier than the October due date.