Wednesday, July 6, 2011

24+ weeks

Friday the 1st was my second appointment with the High Risk Doctor. The appointment was extremely long, but I felt better after it than I did the last one. Peanut had a heartbeat of 150 and weighs 1 lb 10 oz, Butter had a heartbeat of 139 and weighs 1 lb 12 oz. They checked out both of their hearts thoroughly and she said she cant give me a 100%, but she is 95% certain there are no heart problems and that they look very good. Praise God!  My cervix remains perfect and Peanut's placenta has moved away from it, which is a very good thing. The only bad news was that Peanut is Breech and Butter is transverse so unless they move (Doc says there is a 3% chance) I will have to have a c-section which terrifies me. I was able to have a vaginal birth with Doodle and was really hoping for the same with the twins. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that they will move for me. I go back to see my regular OB on Monday so I plan to talk with her more about it then.

We got some amazing pictures while we were at the doctor this time:

Peanut's profile

Butter's Profile

Their profiles next to each other

Butter's foot. 

Doodle kissing his brothers 

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