Friday, June 17, 2011

Well on our way

Sorry, I have been slacking big time with this blog.  So here is an update from my last 2 appointments!

On June 3rd we had our appointment with the high risk doctor. While I didn't enjoy the experience much, it was still fun to see Peanut and Butter. The appointment was different as we had an ultrasound tech doing our ultrasound. She wouldn't let me ask questions while it was going on, which I didn't care for much as this was the large anatomy scan where they check out all the babies parts. The actual doctor was very hard to understand. What I did find out from the appointment: The boys are 100% most definitely boys! They are di/ di twins and apparently that is the "good kind". ( DCDA or di/di (diamniotic / dichorionic) - These twins are usually fraternal (absolutely fraternal if different genders), but some will actually prove to be identical twins where the embryo has split very early in development (about 1/3 of identicals may be DCDA). First trimester scans will show two embryos in two separate sacs. The dividing membrane between the twins is thick, being made up of two layers of chorion and two layers of amnion (one from each twin). This thick separation gives rise to the so-called ‘lambda’ sign, where there is a wedge shaped piece of tissue between the edges of sacs of the twins on ultrasound. The circulations and placentas of the babies are separate, even though the placentas may push up next to each other later in pregnancy. DCDA twins generally carry the lowest risks of all the subtypes of twin pregnancy. *stolen from Peanut was 14 oz and Butter was 13 oz and both had strong heartbeats (Peanut 140 and Butter 146). I also was told that Peanut's placenta is a little lower and closer to my cervix than they would like, but there is a chance that it is just early and will move before the next appointment. In the mean time, no heavy lifting, no bending, and I am supposed to lay down for an hour each day and rest in the afternoon (which I am finding is easier said than done). I will be visiting them again on July 1.

I also had an appointment with Dr. Johnson on June 13th. Being my typical every two week appointment with Dr. Molly, it was short and sweet, yet more fulfilling than the other. She updated me on the last appointment I had with the High Risk Doctor. Because I was not able to ask the Ultra Sound tech questions (or rather she was not able to answer them) I had been nervous because of the time they spent looking at Butter's heart. Dr. Molly says that everything is fine and we got a good report. Both the boys looked good, although they were in strange positions and we didn't get a good look at Peanut's face (Heartbeat was 141).

Butter on the other hand must have felt like showing off:

He's got his Daddy's nose and a sweet little face (Heartbeat 160)

I go back again on July 1st to see the High Risk doctors. In the mean time we are starting the remodel of Doodle's bedroom. Dry wall is going up today, its time to start getting ready for these babies!

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