Want to make a grown woman go crazy?
Transfer a fertilized embryo into her uterus and then make her wait and wonder if it implanted.
I am in the midst of the 2 week wait or 2ww as it is called to TTCer's around the globe. Oy, it is driving me bonkers. Not only me, but my husband as well. We transferred a mere 4 days ago and he is already asking if we can take a home pregnancy test. I'm refusing. For several reasons. First and foremost part of the IVF protocol is a "trigger shot" which is the pregnancy hormone detected in home pregnancy tests. This shot takes, oh, 10 or 14 days to get out of your system and could give false hope should I test now. I triggered last Friday at 11 pm so there is no way it is out of my system.
2WW is filled with dreams of twins, checking your breasts in the mirror daily to see if they have more blue veins or squeezing them to see if they are more tender, being incredibly mindful of any "twinges" that could possibly be implantation, checking the toilet paper each time you go to the bathroom for implantation spotting, and, in my case, progesterone in oil shots. BLEG.
These shots are exactly what they say, progesterone in sesame oil. They are thick, they are nasty, and last time by the end of them I had several lumps on my bottom marking their injection sights. They are given by my sweet husband nightly at 9:00 pm. Then we massage the area, hoping that they will not lump. Again, means to an end, correct?
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