Monday, September 20, 2010

A journey less traveled.

Our Doodlebot is 20 months old today and I didn't even realize it until nearly 7:30pm. Its funny that 3 years of our lives revolved around getting him here, but now that he is we have quickly forgotten.

We started trying for children on our wedding day and I was sure even before then that due to my being on the Depo shot we would have troubles. Little did I know the journey we were in for.

After a year of negative pregnancy tests, unwanted periods, and lots of "it will happen when it happens" we began seeking treatment for our infertility. This process is fuzzy now, over 2 1/2 years later.

After a bout with infertility meds, an unnecessary biopsy, a smart OBGYN, and a good referral we ended up at our RE's office to learn that it was not "hopeless" for us to have children. ICSI was the process we would be going through and we would start in April.

I hate needles. They terrify me. My husband gave me shots daily (a friend or two stepped in to help with it as necessary). I bloated full of eggs, I waddled, I had 30 something eggs named by my OBGY in an ultra sound and then retrieved by my RE during my egg retrieval. I saw pictures of my eggs developing into embryos. I had 2 of them transferred into my uterus. I had a low HCG, but still a positive. It was gone nearly as soon as it happened. I cried. We cried. It was awful.

We unthawed everything we had left 2 weeks later. Only 1 embryo of many was good enough to transfer. We did it. I had a higher HCG level. It stuck. I cried. We cried. It was wonderful.

I LOVED being pregnant. Best experience before motherhood of my life. I have an amazing birth story.. That is for another time. He is 20 months old and I am ready to start again.

But slowly..
Just like last time...
I won't say when...
But I hope you will join me on my journey less traveled.

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