Monday, October 10, 2011

The babies are here!!

I have been slacking with this blog, but with good reason. Our sweet little boy's have arrived and I am excited to share their birth story. It is truly unique.

We were scheduled for our induction at 7:00 am on September 30th. I was 38 weeks. The anticipation of the day woke me up at 2:30 am that morning, unable to go back to sleep. I was excited.

My mom came to watch Doodle and arrived at 6:30 am. I ate a quick breakfast, we took a few pictures (us with Doodle, my giant belly) and headed off to the hospital.

38 weeks

When we arrived, we checked in and they began the process of getting everything set up. Dr. Johnson stopped in and checked me. I was about 2cm and 60% effaced, but my cervix was very very soft. By 9:00 am I was ready complete with an IV, a comfy spot in bed, and monitors all over. They started my Pitocin very slowly and planned to increase it every 1/2 hour. We started at 2.

From this point on it was a whole lot of hurry up and wait. The nurse (Sue) came in about every half hour to increase the Pitocin and check my vitals. At 12:30 Dr. Johnson came back to break my water and check me. I was between 3 and 4 cm and about 90% effaced. Nathan and I watched movies, played Monopoly on the iPad and tried to nap, which was easier said than done for me due to the anticipation and the blood pressure cuff. Around 2:30 I got my epidural, mostly because I just wanted it over with, I was more nervous about that and getting the IV than the actual birth of the twins. The day slowly ticked by and eventually the nurses changed shifts. I think our new nurses name was Julie (Im horrible with names, I just happened to know Sue from golf league). We continued to increase the Pitocin every 1/2 hour and around 9 pm my contractions started to be more uncomfortable. As the time went by I began to think there was no way I would be having these babies in September and was beginning to wonder if I would be ending up with a C-Section.

At about 11:00 pm my nurse checked me and I was between 7 and 8 cm. She called in Dr. Johnson who arrived about 10 to 15 minutes later. By then I was at 9 cm. Things really started to go fast. In the next 15 minutes I was transferred to the operating room for delivery. Since I was having twins it was required that I give birth there in case there was a need for an emergency C-Section. I was informed that if baby B flipped after baby A came out I would be put to sleep and they would do a C-Section. We had a team of around 11 people in the room including to OB's. My regular OB to deliver the babies and another, Dr. Kenna who was running and ultra sound machine on my stomach to see what Butter did once Peanut was out. The next thing I knew it was time to push. At 11:41 pm on September 30th, Kyle Jeffery DeLaet was born. He was 6lbs 9oz and 19 1/2 inches long and has tons of black hair.

As we are rejoicing in the birth of our second son, the realization hits that I am not done. Dr. Kenna has been pushing down on my belly to prevent Butter from flipping to Breach. He slowly moves into the birth canal as we joke about how funny it would be if he were born after 12:00 gaining himself not only a different birth day, but also a different birth month. Sure enough at 12:12 am on October 1st, 2011 Kollin Michael DeLaet joined this world. He was 6lbs 11oz and 19 inches long with barely any hair. Both boys were born vaginally, exactly how I had wanted them.


Kyle was born with the umbilical cord tied around his neck and was pretty stressed from birth. Kollin had some trouble breathing the first night so we spent the next 2 days in the NICU. Fortunately a little TLC was all either of them needed and we were all able to come home on schedule. Over a week later we are a little sleep deprived, but IN LOVE! The twins are fraternal, there is no doubt about that, they look very different and are so precious in their own ways.
Doodle is a great big brother. He is so excited about the boys. We have been working with him to slow down and not play rough around them, but he is very gentle with them and gives them the sweetest kisses. He wakes up each morning and asks "Where are my brothers". He has also been a huge help. I look forward to watching them all grow together.